Learn how to build a website. Church web design and maintenance made easy and affordable

The Importance of Social Media

Website Design on a Budget
Training persons to use technology as a vehicle to bring the message of Christ to the world through social media, websites and electronic marketing.
Whether your church has two members or 1,000 . . . a website is key to getting out the information you care about. A personalized website will enable you to reach your targeted audience 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Your site can educate, inform and encourage persons from all walks of life.
Take the class and see how to create an Affordable (in some cases FREE) website for your unique purpose! Learn to design your own quality website for your Church (NO HTML knowledge required)!
Social Media is the new 21st century paradigm for community. And as we know community is everything! People the world over are looking for authentic, healthy community with which they can engage. So, why aren’t we enlarging our sphere of influence to make ourselves available to those actively looking, where they are looking in today's society?
This seminar gives an introduction to social media, and it’s relevance in today’s society. It will show the differences and similarities between (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and offer practical, affordable ways to utilize these resources to engage our communities for Christ!
Learn how to create and modify styles to quickly and effectively format documents; design your own templates to create brochures, bulletins, letter head, and envelopes.
Create & modify tables, merge, split and format cells to create a forms. Insert Excel tables for calculations and charts. Illustrate documents with pictures, shapes, and clip art. Use SmartArt & WordArt; insert text boxes, watermarks, page borders, and colors for document design.
The course begins with an overview of Word including using the Ribbon and customizing the Quick Access toolbar. Learn how to create, edit and format documents using MS Word.
Including applying basic formatting, styles, font changes, bulleted and numbered lists. Understanding page and section breaks, page numbers, headers/footers; setting page margins, page orientation, and paper size and more!

MS Word for Intermediate & Advanced Users

MS Word for Beginners
Equipping the Saints for the spread of the Gospel
In this course, persons will work with MS PowerPoint to create electronic presentations. You will learn the fundamentals needed to create and modify basic presentations; formatting slides; adding graphic objects; modify said objects; adding Tables or flow chart to a presentation.

PowerPoint for Beginners

PowerPoint for Power Users
In this course, persons will take their presentation to the next level. Learn how to add animation to slides; embed music and videos. Create PowerPoint shows perfectly timed, and convert to video for upload to YouTube to allow for congregants and/or staff to be trained on line from preprepared curriculum. Perfect to train new registrants.
Learn to manage multiple worksheets and workbooks; link worksheets and formulas; understand Relative vs Absolute Values vs Mixed Reference Values; work with data ranges; IF and related functions; power functions and text functions; create and manipulate charts; create & fine-tune chart templates and more!
Create invoices; organize membership; tally tithes and offerings; run annual reports, convert to charts for anlysing.

Excel Advanced